She's Good
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Posted by jjertmann at 4:22 PM 3 comments
That One Parade
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Its been too long again and everything is all jumbled together in my head and I don't know what came first and what I'm forgetting so I have to rely on my few and far between pictures! I really want my brain back.
Posted by jjertmann at 6:06 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I have a problem with yard work. My problem is that its really hot outside, there's ants and spiders and stuff, you have to get up early in the morning, it makes you all sweaty and stinky. The usual. This year was different though. I was really excited about my yard and garden and I thought, for some reason, that all that aforementioned stuff wouldn't bother me. So we planted our beautiful garden. It wasn't long before our lovely source of nourishment looked like this:
Posted by jjertmann at 1:59 PM 4 comments
Cake and Boating
Friday, July 11, 2008
Its been too long! I have had so many things going on and I can't remember what I wanted to post. So I'm going to have to go by my pictures.
We had a fun Fourth, but no pics. Sorry. I'm bad. The day before, however, we went boating. We have a family reunion at the beginning of August and my parents bought these blow up row boats for it. Of course we had to try them out first to make sure they were sea, or at least reservoir, worthy.
They were! It was tons of fun. I put a tiny little life vest on Nolan and he just sucked on that thing like it was a binky. Better than a binky though because he's never taken one of those. So this was neato. We went to Jordanelle and rowed out to a little island thing. He slept on the bottom of the boat all the way there and then woke up for the way back. That boy was SLATHERED in sunscreen. He's so white I'm afraid he'll burn to a crisp if I don't load him up.
Clara loved it too. She kept trying to lean out of the boat and nearly fell several times. She was a little weird about that. Not scared at all about falling out of the boat but she wouldn't take her feet off the bottom for a second when she was playing close to shore.
Ferrin! What a crazy kid! As you can see (he's the one in the back of the van) he has a sling on. He went to youth conference and the first day he was there (Monday,his BIRTHDAY!) he was playing basketball and two members of the stake presidency, who shall remain nameless, clotheslined him. He passed out, broke his collarbone and had a seizure! They called an ambulance and sent him to the hospital. They called my mom from the Logan hospital and explained everything. He then insisted on going back to youth conference after he got released. My mom agreed and he came back on Wednesday. Nutso.
And for my final picture...CAKE! My cousin, Angela, got married this week and I made the cake for her reception. It was beautiful. I'm not bragging. I just think the flowers were gorgeous. I didn't do those. Yay for weddings!
Posted by jjertmann at 10:09 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I mean that in several ways:
Posted by jjertmann at 2:19 PM 6 comments